We put product quality at the centre and wanted to make it accessible to everyone. A commitment that has allowed us to obtain important national and international recognition and, above all, the trust of our customers. Producing quality objects also responds to a precise philosophy of living, consistent with the health of persone and the environment. The entire value chain, research and the use of innovative technologies and materials reflect the desire to reduce the impact of the production processes and extend the life cycle of the objects: a gesture of care and respect for the planet and for the people for whom our products are intended. Plados Telma produces top quality sinks designed to last over time with the conviction that durability is an aspect of quality that cannot be ignored.


Through a regeneration process using recycled raw materials, we have obtained a compound that is 'green at the origin' and which guarantees the same chemical, physical, mechanical and aesthetic characteristics as the traditional compound in our sinks.
The objective was to maximise the use of these resources, which would otherwise be destined for landfill, so as not to resort to virgin raw materials. The quality of the end product is identical, the difference being made by the origin of the raw material, the Rinnova sinks are made from more than the 90% of componenti rinnovables.

Modern white shower tray on black background
  • R1 - Arctic White

  • R2 - Dune Beige

  • R3 - Alp Stone

  • R4 - Volcano Black


An exclusive material of the latest generation, one, NANOSTONE is composed of pure acrylic resin and a mix of high-tech mineral fillers, designed to develop a 3D network of hydrogen bonds between them by means of a chemical process. The molecular network strengthens the internal structure of the sink, making it more resistant to impact and thermal shock. The new composite material has a stronger structure and a silky pleasant feel. 

  • N1 - Milk White

  • N3 - Argan

  • N4 - Urban Grey

  • N6 - Deep Black


The metallescent particles in the mix together with quartz and granite crystals create metallic tones and finishes in the sink surfaces. Cool colours, satin-finished surfaces and a metallescent effect make the Ultrametal sink particularly idoneo modern settings and to match stainless steel appliances, which are often found in kitchens. A Ultrametal sink is easy to clean, very hygienic and resistant to scratches, chemicals, heat and high temperatures.

  • 41 - Aluminium

  • 42 - Titanium

  • 14 - Concrete

  • 44 - Black


The very high surface concentration (more than 80%) of quartz and granite microparticles generated by a sophisticated sedimentation process during production gives microULTRAGRANITP67T extraordinary aesthetic characteristics and a pleasant effect to the touch, combined with very high surface hardness, resistance to chemical agents, heat and scratching.

  • 56 - Jasmine

  • 70 - Black Matt

  • 72 - Truffle

  • 90 - Opal White

  • 94 - Avena

  • 95 - Black Ebony

  • 98 - White

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