How to improve air quality in the kitchen

Our idea of the kitchen is that of a beautiful, functional and green. By green kitchen we mean a cuisine that respects nature and the health of the people who frequent it.
Attentionone to the environment, in fact, concerns both the spaces we live in daily in our homes and the larger spaces of our larger home, the planet.

We have already had the opportunity to elaborate on this topic of the?indoor pollution and we have seen how the quality of the air we breathe at home is not the best due to the presence of organic and inorganic agents, harmful substances in furniture, wallpaper, building materials and furnishings.

Plados Telma has been committed to research and development for many years. development of environmentally friendly products that improve the quality of life of persone and has developed two technologies that help make the air we breathe in the kitchen healthier.
I PladosTelma sinks with ARIAPURA technology reduce the growth of bacteria thanks to the nanoparticles in the construction material.

A small measure that we can put into practice to improve the quality of the air we breathe in the kitchen is to choose the plants that have a purifying effect. and place them on the table, on shelves, near the sink or on kitchen window sills.

Among the plants that have an air-purifying one function, we recommend the aromatic plants, fern and ivy, aloe vera. These are plants that have the ability to absorb and retain pollutants.

In this article, we wanted to introduce you to the innovative technologies that PladoTelma has developed to make ecological sinks that improve the quality of the air we breathe in the kitchen and that are designed and manufactured with environmental awareness throughout the production chain.
If you are interested in discovering all PladosTelma products click here and look for the dealer closest to your home.


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